Thursday 8 September 2022

Michelle Santamaria

Michelle Santamaria is an American musician that was in a few garage punk bands like Loli & The Chones, Bitchschool, Hunx and his Punx and The Pinkz.










Loli & The Chones was an American lo-fi garage rock'n'roll band from Boyle Heights, California, active around 1995-1999. It was founded by Michelle Santamaria together with her brother Chris and Vince Maldonado. They released two Lps and two 7"s.











Bitchschool were a garage punk band from California who got together after the demise of Loli And The Chones and featured brother and sister Chris and Michelle Santamaria as well as Jessica Mirmak. Not to be confused with the band of the same name who come from Portland, this Bitchschool just had the one release, an ep which came out on Tina Lucchesi's Lipstick Records in 1998 and featured 3 tracks : Bitchschool, Record Shop and I'll Be Good To You. They also contributed a cover of Nick Gilder's Runaways In The Night to the California Ain't Fun No More compilation.










Michelle also played in Hunx And His Punx for while and in the garage punk band The Pinkz together with Alana Smargon, Jessica Mirmak and Kathy Walker.