Wednesday 11 August 2021

White Trash Debutantes

The White Trash Debutantes are an American punk rock band from San Francisco, California, United States, active since 1989. The band deals with issues of gender equality and transcendence. 






The White Trash Debutantes debuted at San Francisco's Covered Wagon Saloon on October 18, 1989 for a birthday party for Punk Globe Editor and Debutante Ginger Coyote. Joey Ramone invited them to partake in his "Circus Of the Perverse" party in New York City playing with the likes of Debbie Harry, Bebe Buell, Ronnie Spector, Lemmy and the Ramones in 1990.

George Michalski, the Musical Director for the hit CBS Drama, "Nash Bridges" began using their material on the show's soundtrack. White Trash Debutantes was featured in the full-length movie "Blast Off.. Shonen Knife" by filmmaker David Markey. Appeared in the documentary film "A Regular Frankie Fan" about fans of the cult film "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Appeared in the feature film "Tweek City", shot in San Francisco; directed by Eric G. Johnson. The band's music also was used in the film's soundtrack. The White Trash Debutantes won the Rockies award for "Best Punk Band 2003" and the "Best Punk Band 2004" at the Rock City News Awards. White Trash Debutantes were named "Best 2004 Underground Punk Band" and Ginger Coyote "Best 2004 Underground Diva" by Demons In Exile.


Ginger Coyote and Jayne County recorded two songs together in June 2006, "Rock n Roll Republikkkan (renamed from "Punk Rock Republican")," in which Jayne and Ginger name some well known 'Republikkkans' in the music industry; "Trans-Generation," a song written by Jayne County as an anthem for those with gender identity issues. White Trash Debutantes played a memorial tribute for the late Dirk Dirksen "The Pope Of Punk" at The Great American Music Hall along with Jello Biafra and many others. The band has toured the United States, Canada, Mexico and Japan playing with such notables as Rancid, the Ramones, Green Day, Blondie and The Offspring. The band generated a lot of publicity when they invited notorious former Olympic skater Tonya Harding to join the band.