Sunday 24 March 2019

Bobbie McGee

Bobbie McGee, AKA Lady Teresa Anna Von Arletowicz, AKA Gladys Glitter was born in London, but lived in South Africa for a time where her recording career seems to have begun with the release of the 1972 pop single "Zanzibar".

Her 1973 UK glam rock single, “Rock and Roll People,” brought her some degree of cult status which resulted in a few TV appearances, music press articles, and at least one vintage Swedish rock and roll trading card.  


She released three singles on EMI in 1974, Nickles and Dimes, Johnny Come Quickly and It's Christmas. And then two more singles, I Forgot to Sing in 1975 and When You Walk In The Room in 1976, both on them also on EMI. She

She went into oblivion until she was re-discovered in compilations such as Glamstains Across Europe and Glitter Girlz